Bishop was found by the side of a highway as a very young puppy. We fell in love with him immediately. Six weeks into our relationship we discovered that he had severe hip dysplasia. The vet was not hopeful about surgery or any length of life beyond two years. At two years old he blew out a knee and had knee surgery. We were told then he would likely blow out the other knee. Guess what? No additional surgeries. He beat the odds and lived to be 12 and a half years old. We always said his will to live and spirit were strong. He proved that again and again over the years.
He was a devoted companion and a sweet soul, but quite interested in the ladies in his younger days. Because he was so tall he had easy access to certain human body parts! A little embarassing at times,but because he was so sweet and loving, easily forgiven.
He leaves an enormous hole in our family. We miss him terribly, but know that he will be the first face we see when we cross the Rainbow Bridge. He will be pushing all of our other fur babies out of the way with his strong legs and body. What a reunion that will be.