Dazee was the light of our life for the 5.5 years she lived with us. We adopted her at 8 months old from a medical student here in Fort Collins. She enjoyed boating, fishing, hiking andmostly, just hanging out with us at home running in our huge back yard chasing squirrels. Unfortunately, she was diagnosed with Osteo Sarcoma, bone cancer. We did not want her to go through any discomfort at all, and knew we’d have to send her across the Rainbow Bridge to meet our other Saints, Moolah, Mamoose and Buddy, who left us a few years ago due to cancers and other physical ailments. She went to sleep very peacefully through the perfect attention of Kathy, with Laurie and I holding and talking to her as she passed on.
My wife had Snickers for the past 15 years and the kids had been raised up to adulthood around her. A “heart like a lion”, I used to say about her running alongside Dazee and our other Saints that Snickers had met over the years. Our son Charles had taken Snickers to oour daughter’s house while we were with Dazee but for some reason, Snickers didn’t want to go, fighting the lease and collar.. Finally after a bit of wrangling, she went with Charles. After our ordeal here at home was over with we were sitting and talking about how much joy they’d brought to us when the phone rang, it was our son in law. Snickers had collapsed at the top of their stairs. We rushed her to the animal hospital next to Culver’s where they found she had a huge heart murmer, of which we didn’t know about. The vet gave her two weeks at most..We decided to let her go as well, and she went peacefully as did Dazee previously. The staff were very compassionate and gave us hugs, and treated us with the utmost dignity, as did they to the little doggie as well. A truly sad day when you lose two in the same day. We talked about it and agreed that somehow, Snickers knew something was up with Dazee and us.. Finally thinking maybe Snickers had a broken heart through the loss of her best friend…They will truly be missed forever, but a bright light shines over the Rainbow Bridge for them as they greet their friends who passed on before them. We love you girls! Bless the people at Home To Heaven, they are the best, and also thanks to the Animal Hospital staff as well.
Mike and Laurie Allex