There you are, our sweetest, L’il Miss Mattie! No more pain, limping. Only fun with your sister Cassie in heaven. You can run free, smile, catch millions of balls, retrieve infinite lunkers while swimming, bringing your fabulous joy wherever you are! We want you to be at peace, knowing you were HUGELY loved. You were the most affectionate, graceful, enthusiastic, intelligent, obsessive chuck-it lady we ever knew! You LIVED to go off the diving board at Scott Carpenter Pool in Boulder during Dog-Daze-of-Summer . So focused, clamping your mouth around that one or even 2 toys only to race back to us at breakneck speed, body half raised up out of the water and then to do it again and again, your eyes gleaming with anticipation! Remember that day we saw your nails bleeding from the emory surface of the diving board and we understood we needed to limit you? And at the Reservoir, jumping off the end of the dock at top speed, ever eager to beat out other dogs while you swam deep into the lake, getting those single or multiple balls, mouth wide, proudly returning to the shore, out of breath and wildly happy with your accomplishment!! You also retrieved other dogs’ toys when they forgot to…… We loved those wet body shakes. We adored your sensitivity, gently and appropriately playing with your canine friends. And at night you waited until we were settled in our bed before you’d quietly enter the bedroom locating your own comfy bed. If you needed to disturb our sleep it was with your signature high pitched single, almost silent whine. Ultimately loving and kind, you only desired pats, scratching and leaning against our thighs for never ending caresses; you loved going between our legs, hiding your head where the best, intimate smells were, enjoying a total body rub down. What joy!!! Then, after years of crouching low, looking under the couch for your beloved ball, you learned you could do the same with no ball there at all, knowing we’d get one for you. So brilliant, adding onto knowledge, taking off on your own! Also, how can I forget those long loving upward looks to the top of the fridge where you thought the treats still lived! So inimitably precious….. You kept our hearts open and receptive 24/7. Our house is empty without your ever watchful, loving presence. Know that you gave us far more than we ever gave you!