I got Mollie when she was 8 weeks old and she was the first pet I ever had. She had such an amazing personality, she could sucker me into doing anything for her. She played the role of lazy Basset Hound perfectly, but when she wanted something she would not stop until she had it. A loaf of bread on the counter(yes she ate an entire loaf of french bread including paper bag) a whole raw steak, trash, and her favorite treat eating toilet paper right off the roll. She would come out of the bathroom looking very innocent except for the TP stuck in her teeth and her foot. 3 years after I got Mollie I met my wife and then any small rules I had were completely out the window! We babied and loved her with all of our hearts. We spoiled her with everything she could ever need, she had beds in every room in the house, (because her favorite activity after eating was sleeping) dog bones she never ate but loved to hide.
Barking at things that made her angry were some of the funniest things I ever saw because to bark she got her entire body into it. A few things she hated, the dining room table, snow, wind the pantry door and she would really go crazy if we were not in the room with her.
I could go on forever because in 14 years she came to be everything to us!!
We love you Mollie, we always will and we will never forget all of the wonderful memories you gave us!!!