My handsome little boy, Ralph. You’ve already been gone a month and the smallest thing can bring me to absolute tears. You were the most special boy to me. You were always there for me. You’d bring Big Al into bed and put him, your favorite toy, next to me so I felt loved. You’d crawl up and snuggle so close to me. You’d give me hugs on demand. You’d carry your babies around and make the funniest sound! I could never get enough of that. You were such a strong boy. You even gave me strength and peace in my heart when you knew you’d had enough and couldn’t fight anymore. The day you left us, I smiled as you passed because it was finally MY turn to give everything back to you that you’d given to me for 16 years. I knew I was doing the right thing by you. I will never stop missing you or loving you, Ralphie.
Love, your mommy.