Sadie, aka: “The Princess” came home with us in February of 1996. She was a black and white ball of fur with a striking blue eye. Her personality was larger than life. She enjoyed going to garage sales and attending social functions. As she grew-up, she developed a distinct clown personality. Stealing toilet paper, car keys, shoes, and newspapers she paraded her new “prize” around… You couldn’t have it back unless you chased her around the yard a few times. She learned at a young age how to open doors, refrigerators, cupboard doors and how to let her litter-mate brother, Laddie, into her yard. The joy of her life was her Uncle Mike & Auntie Linda along with Laddie who took her hiking, cross country skiing and loved her unconditionally. Her human litter-mate, Tom, was one of her best friends. She would sneak over to Tom and Becky’s house to play with them and their cat Torbes. Playing ball with anyone and everyone was her favorite past time. In her later years she conducted herself gracefully with a spark of “spiritedness” in her eyes and heart. She was our dog-child and will be forever in our hearts.