To my pillar in Life, not just a rock. So grateful of our time together which lasted over a decade. Your everlasting love for life, never ending support each time a tear dropped and the raising of ‘your’ young rescue puppy, Coal. Your silliness is so very missed; with either a belly up tail wag wanting to be tickled, coming in from outside covered in sprinkler water or snow and giving me that look then shaking, all the figure 8 laps in the yard, the ‘maddy face’ when you feel I have not shared enough of my food, or your pout when 15 minutes of petting is not enough even tho I’m late for… Mostly for the very special time each evening and morning of snuggles.
These are the memories that will live on in my mind and heart. Your giving of strength gave me courage to live again after so much personal tragedy; I have learned so much. My love for you will last forever and ever. Until we see each other again, I remain.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Thank you Home-to-Heaven for being there, Shelley, you were stupendous. Because of you, Winston passed under the ‘Blue Moon’, graciously and without pain. 8/02/01 to 9/01/12